Sokka inadvertently enters a Haiku contest. Aang helps a zookeeper, though not without causing some trouble. The sage, yet comedic Iroh's tale is next he helps various residents of Ba Sing Se, before making a tearful tribute to his son, who died in combat trying to take the city of Ba Sing Se.
The first tale is of Katara and Toph, who spend a day at the spa. 'The Tales of Ba Sing Se' is a break from the previous dark, plot heavy episodes, and instead focuses on character development. It serves as a filler episode and does not focus on the main plot, except for the winged lemur Momo's tale.
It features six short vignettes of several main characters as they go about an average day in the Earth Kingdom city of Ba Sing Se. ' The Tales of Ba Sing Se' is the 15th episode of the second season of the animated television series Avatar: The Last Airbender.